Welcome. I need to start out by making a confession. Ruthie is not my real name. I am embarrassed to talk about my weight, so in order to be completely open and honest about everything else I would like to hide my identity. I hope that this does not turn anyone away.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The First Post, Hoping to Break out of my Shell

Well, here we go..... If you didn't read it above, let me just restate that Ruthie is not my real name. I am hiding my identity because I am not comfortable talking about my weight. I hope that I will be able to get to a point where I will feel comfortable revealing who I am.

I am 40 years old, 5'2" and weigh 260 pounds. Oh God, I can't believe I am going to send this out to cyberspace.

I am happily married and have 2 beautiful children. I have suffered with depression for my entire adult life, but have managed it with medication. My weight has always been an issue with me, but never to this extreme. I have tried every "diet" that is out there and know that they just don't work. I know that it is a lifestyle change and I have attempted that as well. But, it is the only way and I am starting again. I hope that by blogging about it I will be able to connect with others who are also on this journey and we can support one another.

I look forward to getting to know you.